Jazmin Bean plays at the House of Blues in Dallas with opener, Lucy Loone.
With the end of The Terrified Tour, Jazmin Bean stopped in Dallas during the last week for the tour. Dallas fans were incredibly grateful to be able to see one of their favorite artists live, especially with the Dallas show being sold out. The night was filled with fun and loud voices filled the room. Jazmin even brought up her friends Lucy Loone and Cottontail for an encore of Carnage with Lucy Loone, and Princess Castle with both Lucy Loone and Cottontail. With her upcoming release of Traumatic Livelihood, which is set to release on February 23, 2024, this will be Jazmin Bean’s official debut album and she has expressed her excitement about it over the past few weeks on both social media and during her live shows. Fans are also ecstatic about her new release and were very happy that Jazmin played a few songs that are set to appear on the album.

Also joining Jazmin Bean for the tour was Salvia and Brooks Ginnan, who opened up for Jazmin in other cities. Lucy Loone, who opened in Dallas, brought an amazing energy to the room that night and many fans even found their newest music obsession. A huge standout for the night was the outfits that the fans brought and wore to the show. Many fans took inspiration from Jazmin Bean herself and even got to match the outfit she wore that night and those also put their own spin on her style. Fans also stuck around to meet Jazmin sometime after the show where she was able to talk with fans, take pictures, and even sign a few things at the back of the House of Blues in Dallas. With most of the cities, in both the US and Europe, being sold out throughout the entire tour, it’s very clear that her fans love her and are very excited to see what she has in store.

I am from Dallas, Texas. I am currently attending The University of North Texas as a studio photography major and my hobbies include plants/gardening and hanging out with my friends. I currently work as a photographer at a studio just outside of Dallas and I am expected to graduate in December.