Work With Off Record Media

Calling All Musicians!

Do you consider yourself a musician or have a band? Sign up for our local band registry for a chance to be a part of our genre showcases and local events! Off Record Media uses the registry as a way to stay in contact with musicians in local scenes all over Texas, and to help build our show lineups. We will keep your information on file and be in touch if a good fit becomes available!

Calling All Small Businesses + Vendors!

On top of staying in touch with our music roots and different local scenes, we love building partnerships with small businesses and local vendors, as they contribute to keep the local scene running. With Off Record, we always aim to stay connected with small businesses, whether it’s having them out for one of our events, partnering up for giveaways, or helping cross-promote our businesses together. Either way, we are always looking for new partnerships, so sign up and we’ll be in touch!