Five Asian Artists You Need To Know About

Every year, more and more AAPI artists break the sound barrier with their amazing talent. As someone who is Asian, I love finding new AAPI artists that represent who I am and bring creativity and blend in parts of their culture with Western music.

Here are five artists who are channeling a unique sound, and are below one million monthly listeners on Spotify.

1. Hana Vu

Hana Vu has been attracting more and more listeners with her new album Romanticism. This album is beautiful and serene. It completely transports you with the raw, smooth vocals, paired with soft beats in the background. It also has an edge with strong guitar in several other songs. If you are a big fan of indie rock, give her a listen. This year, Vu is going on a North American tour with Baebee. I would definitely recommend buying tickets here.

2. Riz Ahmed

Next, British actor, Riz Ahmed is also known for his stint in music. Because of the recent feature of his song “Deal With It” was featured on Ms. Marvel, a show featuring Kamala Khan, a Marvel hero learning how to wield her powers. This show highlights South Asian culture, as Khan is Pakistani herself. Ahmed’s music is known for its references to South Asia, and often addresses topics within the community.

3. Eva B

Eva B is among Pakistan’s first ever female rappers. The “B” in her name is a nod to her Baloch identity. Her rap songs are intense and fast, often featuring critiques on societal issues. Like Ahmed, her song “Rozi” was featured on Ms. Marvel. Overall, Eva B. is truly an amazing artist who is sure to stick with you.

4. Priya Ragu

Priya Ragu is a Tamil-Swiss artist who is known for blending elements of indie, R&B and rap together in songs. Her songs are very energetic, and will make you dance. Because of her clear range as an artist, her songs all bring in various elements making them all very unique. Currently, Ragu is beginning a North American tour, make sure to check out show dates near you.

5. Tanukichan

Tanukichan is a small alternative artist who is known for her heavy instrumentals, and her delicate lyricism. If you are one of the many people reviving shoegaze music, I would check her music out. Her music is captivating, and brings in elements of grunge, and nostalgia. Her album, Sundays is on my top-ten list.

Overall, these artists are all insanely talented, and deserve to bring AAPI creativity into the mainstream. Here are some honorary mentions who are a bit more established, but are still amazing artists: Paal Dabba (check out their song “170CM“), Japanese Breakfast and Raveena. Make sure to give them a listen!

I am a student at University of Houston currently studying Strategic Communications. In my free time, I write for different publications as I am extremely passionate about music. I collect vinyls, go to concerts, and play guitar. Some of my favorite artists include Paramore, Kendrick Lamar, and Lorde. On the weekends I make pottery, sew, and spend time with my dog.