Top 10 Audio Plugins that are Too Good to be Free

VST Plugins are some of the most important tools in helping you realize your creative vision. Here are our Top 10 FREE, high-quality plugins for budding artists finding their sound.

Valhalla Supermassive

From the developers of the now legendary “Vintageverb” plugin heard on countless modern records, Supermassive is a free reverb/delay plugin that lives up to its name and its developer’s reputation. Valhalla’s Supermassive combines reverb and delay algorithms to put expansive cinema-grade soundscapes within reach of the independent artist. Choose from a variety of different algorithms and presets to find the sound you’re looking for in no time. Perfect for pads, and even vocals in some applications like intros. The user interface (UI)is intuitive and easy to understand, and the plugin is overall light on CPU usage. We highly recommend picking this one up!!

Softube Saturation Knob

Softube has earned a reputation for being one of the premier analog-modeling software developers on the market. Saturation Knob is a one-knob-only saturation plugin that quite frankly could not be easier to use. Use this plugin to add some subtle analog-modeled distortion and warmth to your tracks. It is typical to  leave this on the ‘neutral’ position and use it on drum and vocal busses. This plugin has no business punching this high above its price tag, and is very light on the CPU.

iZotope Vinyl

They say you get what you pay for, Vinyl from iZotope might be the exception to that

rule. Not only is Vinyl one of the few vinyl emulation plugins available, but it might also be the best. This plugin is perfect for adding some vintage color to your individual tracks or even your entire mix. Vinyl gives artists and producers ample control over the wear, warp, and age of their virtual wax, going as far as modeling dust buildup on a record! This plugin is invaluable to anybody looking for a more dated, vintage sound. 


Our first synthesizer on this list, Dexed by Digital Suburban is an exacting emulation of the legendary Yamaha DX-7 synthesizer used on countless records in the 80s. The DX-7 was used on “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins, “Careless Whisper” by George Michael, “Take on Me” by Aha, the list could go on for hours. This VST features exact copies of the FM algorithms used in the original hardware, and you’d have a hard time telling the difference between the two, even in a direct A/B comparison. This software is so true to the original, that you can even export patches to a real DX-7 via sysex. FM synthesis is notoriously difficult to wrap your head around, but this is a great place to start, even if the UI can feel congested at times.


TAL-Chorus-LX gives artists the chorus unit from the legendary JUNO synthesizers in a plugin that is incredibly easy to use. Choose from mode 1, mode 2, or both. It’s that easy. This chorus effect has a reputation for being incredibly lush, but having limited tweakability. Although few find the need to tweak this particular chorus in the first place. TAL-Chorus-LX gives you two controls not found on the original hardware, namely the ability to control the mix and stereo width of the effect. These additional parameters help with getting tracks to sit in the mix right. There are without a doubt better emulations of this effect available on the market, but for most artists, this will do the trick.


A well-known free alternative to Fabfilter’s ubiquitous Pro-Q 3, TDR’s Nova is a dynamic equalizer that brings out the potential of any DAW. Nova includes features not usually found on stock EQs, or even some paid options in the $50-$100 range. You’d be hard-pressed to find an application this plugin can’t handle, and that’s tough to say about any free plugin.

iZotope Vocal Doubler

Who needs a backup singer? iZotope’s vocal doubler gives artists the ability to quickly achieve wide, spacious vocal tracks in the mix without compromising on quality or introducing any difficulties common with double-tracking vocals. This plugin is great for thickening up vocals for intros and choruses or generally getting them to pop out in the mix. Throw some reverb after this and you’re set. There are more professional ways to achieve this effect, but for throwing an idea down, this will get the job done.

iZotope Ozone Imager

  Need some space in the mix? Need something brought closer to mono? iZotope’s Ozone imager is a watered-down version of the imaging module found in their award-winning Ozone mastering software. Ozone Imager provides you with a variety of ways to read the stereo information on your individual tracks or your entire mix. Ozone imager lets you easily identify phase issues and bring the width of your tracks in line. Just be careful not to overdo it. This plugin is particularly useful for adding some stereo width to reverb sends. The UI is excellent and the information this provides is invaluable for budding producers. 10/10 for the price.

BABY Audio Comeback

We did reverb, so now we have to do a delay plugin. BABY Audio’s Comeback is a pared-down version of their Comeback Kid delay plugin. Don’t be fooled, Comeback still provides artists with a more-than-competent delay effect. With 4 modes to choose from, including a pretty convincing BBD-style analog delay, you can cook up a variety of vintage-style delays. A quick tip: Run two instances of this plugin in series for that classic dual-delay ping-pong sound. This plugin isn’t as fully featured as some of the other offerings on this list but is more than enough to familiarize you with delay before you upgrade to something a little more premium.

Pancake by Cableguys

Pancake is a free auto-panning plugin from the developers of the modern classic Shaperbox. This effect takes all the hassle out of the classic auto-panning effect, removing the need for multiple automation lanes or complex modulation, all while maintaining a clean, readable UI, and staying light on the CPU. Prepare for hours of trippy, tremolo-style wooshes, or keep things subtle and add slight movement to your stereo field. This plugin is particularly solid on Hi-Hats and other percussive sounds. 

I'm a student, producer, and social media manager from Houston Texas, I'm currently studying Marketing at the University of Houston. I rediscovered my passion for all things music in early 2022 after challenging myself to learn an electronic instrument. I'm currently working on a solo project heavily inspired by the 80's. In my free time I enjoy walks around the city, dancing, live music, and trying new restaurants.