Jamie Campbell Bower Debuts New Post- Hardcore Band called BloodMagic

Jamie Campbell Bower’s band BloodMagic Debuts New Explosive Single, “Death/Rebirth.”

BloodMagic is the new debut band composed of Jamie Campbell Bower and drummer Kyle Adams who are combining forces into creating a striking and riotous statement. Their new single Death/Rebirth comes into the battlefield ready to ignite their grueling power. The track was released on April 4th, 2024 and you can listen to it here.

Without a doubt, Bower’s dedication and passion for music has always been a dominant part of his life. With his many talents including his acting career starring as the world phenomenon Vecna from Stranger Things, Jace from Mortal Instruments, and Cassius from Twilight, one main artistic outlet has always been a constant that has held his attention. Before the formation of BloodMagic, Bower previously served as a frontman of the pop punk rock band, Counterfeit that began in 2015 releasing their debut album,Together We Are Stronger, in 2017. The band had continuous success and admiration from fans worldwide however Bower announced their indefinite hiatus in 2020. As of recently, he has pursued his own solo music in 2022 releasing a set of singles, “I Am”, “Run On”, and “Devil In Me” that all take on a dark and gothic imagery that fully supports his soulful and lingering vocals. 

Death/Rebirth is an introduction to the brilliant mind of Bower’s undeniable angst and power showcasing the intensity and resounding power of BloodMagic. The revolutionary and cathartic track, “Death/Rebirth” pertains to the existential dread, morality, and the questioning of religious faith. Within the new direction of the band, musical influences of BloodMagic takes form in a variety of influences from post-hardcore to modern metal. 

The track opens with an alluring and ghostly isolation of Bower’s vocals that transcends into a fearsome yet a gallant distortion. The instrumentation swells into a heavy uprising of raging guitars and pounding drums. Bower’s use of his low vocal range takes on a daunting appearance that shifts the tonality of the song. The first verse of the song begins with a delicate and somber serenation, “No thoughts take me away no lies don’t let me stray. And I’ll find my God away and I’ll try and I’ll try. No thoughts God, let me stay and no eyes no eyes can lay. Upon this holy grave and no lies and no lies”. Within the idea of rebirth and having the opportunity to start over once again but with the knowledge and blessings one has learned throughout one’s life. Another alternative could be the requirement of shedding one’s skin of the damaging faults and negative energy to rise back up again into an individual who has overcome any unfortunate deals. 

The chorus of the song “If I must die then I must die growing. To be reborn, To be reborn knowing. I pushed the veil back into dark again, now let me in” pertains to an unknowingly force being catapulted into the darkness but having the strength to continue to learn from past mistakes and venture off into a path of forgiveness and acceptance. Bower’s explosive screams and frustration are genuinely felt during this moment. It unleashes a darker yet passive side to become vulnerable and allows for the emotions to recoil and burst into a euphoric state of expression. 

Death/Rebirth possesses the fragility and sensitive nature of the premonition of dealing with different forms of destructive fears and withering them away into the abyss. By evolving yourself into a stronger and revived independent version that has the ability to conquer these insecurities will allow for growth and character development. 

I am a photographer based in Houston, Texas. I'm currently pursuing a BFA degree concentrating in Photography and Digital Media at the University of Houston. Music has always been a big part of my life and I love that I get to intertwine that with photography. I'm consistently listening to all of my favorite bands and discovering new genres and artists. I love all things cosmic, watching films, and reading.