On Wednesday September 27, 2023, Quarters of Change performed for a sold-out crowd at White Oak Music Hall in Houston, Texas. The show was accompanied by bands, Vision Arcade and Rebounder.
A massive inflatable Satan, songs about video games, and some mildly inappropriate merchandise can mean only one thing – yes, we’re talking Tenacious D.
“We cannot wait for the things in our life to happen the way we want them to in order to do the things we want,” yelled Senses Fail frontman Buddy Nielson into the crowd. “Do not wait for the perfect conditions, because they don't exist. There's no perfect time to have a kid, to change your job, to move, to say 'I love you to someone. There's no perfect time, it's never going to be a time because life is not a waiting room.”
The Uruguayan from New York and his band wandered back down to H-Town where they met up with semi-local, Being Dead, for a midweek rock show. A sick frontman, one mid crowd, and two broken guitar strings later and these artists show us that no matter what, the show must go on.