Taylor Gayle Rutherfurd, also known as GAYLE, brings the 'Scared but Trying' tour to Houston's Warehouse Live on October 19th with special guest, DYLAN.
It was a beautiful day in Austin, Texas on October 12th as Thirty Seconds To Mars took the stage at Stubb’s. Brothers, Jared and Shannon Leto played Stubb’s as part of ACL Fest Nights in between their weekend sets at Austin City Limits Music Festival.
On Wednesday September 27, 2023, Quarters of Change performed for a sold-out crowd at White Oak Music Hall in Houston, Texas. The show was accompanied by bands, Vision Arcade and Rebounder.
Openers Towa Bird and Alexander 23 join headliner Reneé Rapp at the South Side Ballroom in Dallas for the second date of Rapp's 'Snow Hard Feelings' Tour.
A massive inflatable Satan, songs about video games, and some mildly inappropriate merchandise can mean only one thing – yes, we’re talking Tenacious D.