REYNA Takes Over the Second Play Stage at Fairmont Hotel (SXSW 2022) 

Austin’s very own Fairmont Hotel hosted a stripped down performance by REYNA, and Off Record Blog got the chance to speak with the duo after their set. 

Latinx duo REYNA played an intimate acoustic set during SXSW at the Fairmont Hotel. Although their set was stripped down as their drummer sat out for the performance, it was truly unforgettable to hear each one of REYNA’s songs in a new light. I had the honor of interviewing Hannah Banuelos (aka Gab) the lead vocalist/bassist of REYNA after their set.

ORB: There is a lot of excitement with the new release of REYNA’s new single “you could at least say goodbye” and the new EP to come in May. What can fans expect from REYNA’s new sound and what is the general theme of the EP as a whole?  

Gab: We put a lot of ourselves into this EP. There are a lot of references to the music we grew up listening to. There are a lot of Mexican sounds like trumpets which makes us so happy. Our grandma was in a mariachi band growing up and it feels so right to have that side of us represented. I truly feel like these songs are a little piece of our soul. 

ORB: What was the inspiration behind the new EP? 

Gab: The EP is all about the stages of grief you go through after a breakup/losing someone. This breakup was especially difficult because it was long distance and also ended abruptly with no explanation and the person disappearing like a ghost. Ghosting has become such a normalized way of ending relationships and is just cruel. Each song belongs to one stage of grief, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. As Vic went along her healing journey from the relationship- we wrote, and each song was a way to heal.   

ORB: What is the writing process like and do you think it is easier or harder to create songs as sisters? 

Gab: We usually write separately and bring bits of songs or finished songs to each other and then finish them together. But for this EP we wrote them all together during the pandemic. It felt kind of like when we were kids and just starting to play music. We would sit in Vic’s bedroom or on the couch and just jam and write. I think it really helped make this EP feel like the most authentic music we’ve ever written. Being sisters definitely helps, we can communicate with looks and know what the other wants instinctively.

REYNA performing at the Fairmont Hotel for SXSW 2022. Photo by Vanessa Blea

ORB: The pandemic has impacted so many musicians over the past two years. In what ways has the pandemic affected REYNA and are there any positive outcomes as a result? 

Gab: We haven’t played as many shows as we are used to playing. That was very hard emotionally, but like everything else, we have adapted. We are so incredibly excited to finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and get back out there playing shows with a new EP. We simply cannot wait! 

ORB: What has been the best advice you have received that has impacted where you are today? 

Gab: Music defends itself. The music industry is so tough. You can feel so helpless and not good enough one hundred times in one week. But someone once told us that music defends itself and we have always remembered that. Write the best music you can pour your soul into it, send it out into the world and it will defend itself! All you can control is the art you created and being true to yourself your art will do the rest. 

ORB: And finally, how does it feel for REYNA to be seen as an ally for multiple minorities such as the LGBTQ+ community, LatinX, and women? 

Gab: We feel very lucky to be able to represent groups of people who have historically been underrepresented. There is nothing better than helping people feel seen and understood. We both grew up feeling different and we’re always looking for artists to look up to who made us feel seen and understood where we came from and our culture. So we take representing these groups very seriously and it is one of our absolute favorite things about what we do!

FOLLOW REYNA: twitter // instagram // spotify


I am an Austin, Texas based photographer and a graduate of Texas Tech University and Austin School of Photography. I love all things photo, but my true passion is music photography. I try to capture the beauty of every shoot while experimenting and seeking new ways to be creative. When I’m not behind the camera, I’m at home with my fur babies or competing in The Office Trivia!