While in the midst of their own “Burnout Days,” Flipturn continues to live through their music for their fans.
From including herself in a bet with her roommates to see whose song goes viral online to playing music festivals and opening up for Flipturn, Odie Leigh is rising to fame for her exquisite folk single, “Crop Circles.” But don’t get it twisted, I know what you’re thinking when I say folk. If you have never seen Odie Leigh before you’d be a bit confused when she and her band walks on stage. The four members come out and look straight out of a 70’s punk magazine with their striking makeup and eye catching outfits. Odie Leigh and her band are everything a girl would ever want to be.
Her debut album, Carrier Pigeon, was made for highway driving and singing with the windows down. The poetry and realism about men, friendships and relationships feels relatable even when you can’t relate to even half of it. She has a way of bringing the listener into her paper and pen, and that’s exactly what the whole room felt.

The crowd of indie kids inch their way closer to the stage while a heavy haze suffocates the room. Expecting them to come on right at nine, the crowd was alert and ready for them to emerge from the dark haze but quickly grew eager while the clock ticked almost ten minutes over. For what felt like an eternity of darkness while being saturated in fog and a dense bass frequency, the darkness transitions into a dark blue where the silhouettes of legs walking and hands waving can be recognized. The peculiar synth intro of the opening song “Juno” creates a beautiful chaos through the crowd. Heads hang over the barricade dancing and singing.
One thing admirable about Flipturn is their ability to turn real life problems and accidents into a masterpiece, which plays as the main theme in their sophomore album, Burnout Days. Interestingly enough, the synth in the beginning of Juno was an accident from keyboardist Mitch Fountain, dropping his Juno synthesizer in the woods and somehow creating the captivating beat of the song.

The album Burnout Days has a way of making you want to dance your heart out while also feeling like a punch straight to the gut. It has more of an introspective approach than their first album Shadowglow, while still keying in on the feelings of love and self discovery. Track four, “Sad Disco” is an overwhelmingly poignant song but hearing it live takes you to another place of feeling free while singing some of the most gut wrenching but relatable lyrics.
In 2024, Dallas got spoiled by Flipturn’s presence twice. Earlier in the year for their Shadowglow tour and in October, surprising Dallas by playing a show at the Texas State Fair while on their way to Austin City Limits. Writing about feeling burnt out and coping with it by still performing and creating is commendable to the highest degree.

I am a Touring Concert Photographer based in Dallas. I have a love for physical media such as collaging and mixed media. I personally work with Laredo Two as their photographer and Your Neighbors as their touring photographer! My top three artists are easily The Backseat Lovers, Radiohead and Inhaler! When I'm not shooting, I’am playing animal crossing or playing guitar.