Luna Luna Perform at Ferris Wheelers in Dallas

Luna Luna Performed at the outdoor venue, Ferris Wheelers, in their home town Dallas, Texas on Thursday October 19th . They were supported by Michael Seyer, a beloved indie pop artist.

Luna Luna’s music has hints of rock and is enhanced by a wide range of musical influences, such as dream-pop, synth-pop, bedroom pop, and latin sounds. The group regularly crosses genre lines, sometimes collaborating with rappers and deftly pulling references from a wide range of musical eras. The four-piece band is made up of Vocalist Kevin González, keyboardist/backup vocalist Danny Bonilla, Ryan Gordon on bass, and Kaylin Martínez on the drums.

Michael Seyer’s performance was delightful. He and his band mates play with such chemistry, when you’re in the crowd watching this group play, it feels like an intimate friendly setting simply watching a few of your friends get together and simply play some instruments and sing some lovely melodies. Sporting a stylish long blazer and 70’s-inspired hair, Seyer sparked a cigarette mid set and propped it on the neck of his guitar to create a smoky ambiance which complimented his music well. 

As Luna Luna hit the stage, they were greeted by cheers, smiles, and waves from the crowd. The quartet started off with their upbeat, electronic-infused pop anthem “Solo Tu.” As the night went on they did a blend of their old classics mixed with more recently released tracks like, “Dance With U,”  from their newly released EP L.L. To wrap up the set they performed a cover of Texas Legend Selena’s “Si Una Vez.” In between songs the members would offer a gracious thank you to the crowd for their support throughout the years and appreciated the familiar faces that frequent a Luna Luna gig. 

I'm a Dallas based film photographer and designer. I'm an all-around lover of the arts, specifically music. I studied Visual Communication Design and Communication Technology at the University of Texas at Arlington. I discovered my love for photography after taking a black and white photo class in 2019, where I learned how to develop, scan, and print 35mm film. In my free time I like to try new restaurants, visit art museums, and read!