LSD and the Search for God brings Classic Shoegaze to Austin, Texas

Shoegaze musical icons LSD and the Search for God make an anticipated visit to Mohawk in Austin, Texas.

LSD and the Search for God is a shoegaze band from San Francisco, California. They played a set for Levitation Fest 2023 at Mohawk, Austin. The anticipation for the show was prevalent in the crowd, everyone dressed head-to-toe in grunge clothing that reflected the musical aesthetic of the band. The crowd was a range of listeners anywhere from late teens to early sixties. The band kicked the set off with their hit song “Backwards.” There was no introduction, which made perfect sense for the mysterious aura of this band. The crowd was thoroughly engaged with their music throughout the entire set and the enthusiasm for their music did not dwindle. Mohawk was packed from the front stage all the way back to the bar. One was almost able to feel as if they were transported to another dreamscape dimension through their music. Each singer was placed on opposite ends of the stage throughout the entire set to create the signature echoing effect of most of the band’s discography. 

The lighting of the stage was a blueish purple throughout the entire duration of the set with shapes and colors reflected on the musicians faces. This ambient color scheme flowed perfectly with their dreamy surreal sound. During “Starting Over” the crowd began gently swaying to the music. The lyrics, although devastating, are beautifully and ambiently transmitted to the audience through slightly muted microphones and mellow melodies. As the lyrics echoed across the stage between both singers, listeners were able to feel as if they were floating in the melodies that were being produced on stage. Overall the show was a beautiful and mystical experience for all attendees. People of all ages were able to indulge in the beautiful mysterious sounds of one of the “founding fathers” of Shoegaze. It was an incredibly captivating and mystical show.

I am from Austin, Texas and grew up in a small town near San Antonio. I started photography when I was a young teen and I have always had an inclination towards art and music. I have been running a small photo business for six years now, and have learned and exciting things as well as engaged in really cool photography-related opportunities in that time. When I am not taking photos, I am a college student studying electronic media, I love thrifting, I run a small zine called "Sea of Youth" with my best friends, and I am exploring the outdoors.