Let’s Work It Out on the Remix! 10 Biggest Band Breakups of All Time

Whether it is Blink-182, who was able to successfully rekindle their band chemistry, or The Smiths, who forever called it quits, band breakups are an unfortunate but important part of music history. Many fans are waiting for some of their favorite bands to “work it out on the remix” as Charli XCX said in her tension crushing song made with Lorde.

“Please don’t put your life in your hands. Of a rock n’ roll band. Who’ll throw it all away”, said by the Gallagher brothers of Oasis just years before their inevitable split-up. An unfortunate fact most music fans fail to recognize is that they are receiving the final product of a band’s hard work, not the countless late nights, small or big disagreements, and sometimes endless retakes to actually create the work being released. After all, musicians are human too, and when feelings of tension, pressure, or unhappiness creep in, it is when every band superfan’s nightmare emerges: the breakup. Luckily, there are many bands who take a brief hiatus after breaking up and eventually meet again, but for some bands, fans are unsure they will ever make a comeback. Below are 10 of the biggest band breakups in musical history. 

The Beatles

Although The Beatles were able to successfully create a name for themselves, a large fanbase, as well an iconic discography that is still referred to as some of the greatest music made to this day, that did not mean the band did not face its difficulties. Although there was never any true “bad blood” between band members, relationships began to grow more distant due to creative differences, especially between McCartney and Lennon. With Yoko Ono in the picture as John’s beloved wife, it began seemingly noticeable that he felt he had to choose either the band or his wife. On top of juggling his priorities, Lennon was also dealing with a heroin addiction that caused more tension. On top of the growing issues between the band members and their lives, in 1967 their manager, Brian Epstein, died of a drug overdose and caused the band to spiral as their right hand man who helped raise them to fame died a tragic and unexpected death. Regardless of all the hardship the band had faced, they came together to create their last record Abbey Road and performed an unforgettable Central London rooftop concert in 1969 as their final performance together as a band.


Many fans (at least before the past few weeks announcing their unexpected return) believed that Oasis was a breakup so extreme that the return of the two stubborn brothers would never come. Liam and Noel Gallagher were the seemingly perfect musical duo, with their hit albums Definitely Maybe and (What’s the Story) Morning Glory gaining plenty of attention in the music world. Most people with siblings though, can testify that siblings fight. Unlike a normal disagreement regarding a stolen hairbrush or pair of shoes, the Gallagher brothers had the pressure of the demanding music industry, a busy tour schedule, and creative conflicts cloud their judgment at times and led to mishap. Although there was on and off sibling bickering between the two at times, the final straw was during the 2009 V Festival in Paris. As Liam showed up late to their settime, forcing the band to cancel their performance, Noel was quick to blame their disappointment of the fans on the idea that his younger brother was “hungover”. After plenty of unkind words were exchanged between the two, Noel had enough, grabbing his guitar and swinging it around Liam like hatchet-wielding crazy man, causing the last bit of tolerance between the two to disappear. After the official breakup, the brothers were not seen together or even spoke to one another for years. This all surprisingly changed on August 27th when they announced their long awaited reunion. After all, family is for life right?

Simon & Garfunkel

Simon & Garfunkel were a legendary duo that forever influenced the American folk rock genre to this day. Meeting in elementary school, the two began their friendship and musical work together at an early age, before dubbing their name Simon & Garfunkel, they previously went by the duo of “Tom & Jerry”. With growing success from the public as well as an overwhelming interest in the development of folk rock in the music industry, they were signed to Columbia Records in 1963. Throughout their time as a duo, they were able to release 5 studio albums, with the last of them in 1970 titled Bridge Over Troubled Water. Troubled Water seemed to be the case of their relationship during this time. With overwhelming success from their music, Art Garfunkel was able to express some of his other talents with acting in movies. Along with creative differences and overall stress of the music creating process, tension grew between the two as Paul Simon felt Art Garfunkel was putting his musical life on the backburner to pursue his acting career, feeling almost abandoned. With being inseparable best friends since elementary school, it did not come as a shock to some that a falling out was in the works. In 1970, after releasing their last album, Simon & Garfunkel officially broke up, are not planning on a reunion, and unfortunately do not even speak to each other, according to an article in Forbes magazine. Of course, many fans are still holding out hope of a reunion, but this dream is sadly highly unlikely.

Fleetwood Mac

Imagine singing a passionate and highly directed breakup song on stage with your on again off again ex-boyfriend for 8 years. Messy right? The performance itself was a masterpiece and an important bookmark in Fleetwood Mac’s timeline, but also a heartbreaking period for Nicks and other members of the band. Throughout the period of the band’s existence, Fleetwood Mac was not spared from the drama. Not long after the beginnings of the band Bob Weston, the original guitarist, was found having an affair with Mick Fleetwood’s wife, Jenny Boyd. Kicking Weston out of the band, the curse of internal issues between Fleetwood Mac members had just begun. Not long after this affair, Stevie Nicks and Lindsay Buckingham’s public relationship came down with a crash, and seeing your ex at band practice everyday probably did not help with the band chemistry. Along with the numerous relationships/friendships between band members crumbling into pieces, there was the presence of drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. With plenty of cocaine in the band member’s systems it turned small arguments into screaming matches, and although it in turn created passionate anthems for music lovers to this day, it came with the price of heartbreak, struggle, and resentment. After 1990, the years of Fleetwood Mac continued to be on and off, with Nicks, Christine McVie, Buckingham, and other members leaving, and then returning, the Fleetwood Mac band carried on. Throughout the rocky years the band continued to perform with multiple hiatuses, but the final straw is pointed to the death of keyboardist Christine McVie in 2022. Both Nicks and Buckingham feel as though the band will never be the same without her and came to a consensus that it is highly unlikely that Fleetwood Mac will make a return.  

Sonic Youth

Sonic Youth might just be one of the most influential and notable noise rock style bands to this day. Forming in New York City in 1981, the band consisted of Kim Gordon (vocals and bass), Thurston Moore (vocals and guitar), Lee Ranaldo (vocals and guitar), and Steve Shelley (drums). Making unorthodox yet musical masterpieces, Sonic Youth received a great amount of praise, paving the way for new bands to come and find plenty of influence from their style and work. Although there was plenty of amazing band chemistry and music changing albums being released by the group, this would come to a full stop in 2011. Frontman Thurston Moore and Frontwoman Kim Gordon were married for almost 3 decades when the relationship seemed to break apart and the couple filed for divorce. Not only was the band stressful enough for the members, but frontwoman Gordon had to deal with the heartbreaking news that her longtime partner Moore had cheated on her with a woman he moved to London with. It did not take long for this news to be fatal to the band’s future, forcing an inevitable breakup. Although Moore had no intent of being the cause for the disbandment of Sonic Youth, he is almost always seen as the prime reason for this event. Of course there is constant speculation regarding whether or not there will be a Sonic Youth reunion, but according to Gordon, this comeback is not on her list of things to do.


Forming in 1971, Eagles were an American rock band with one of the most successful track records in the 1970s. Led by Don Henley and Glenn Frey, the idea of a power struggle was not new for both of these seemingly dominant forces, creating a bit of tension from the very start. Although “Take it Easy” is one of their hit singles, the act of “taking it easy” in the band was considerably not the most effortless thing to do. Regardless of this constant underlying bitterness and tension that existed between the bandmates, Eagles found themselves as one of the most popular rock bands in the 80s, releasing timeless songs such as “Hotel California” and “One of These Nights”. Eventually though, the tensions between the members were at an all time high in 1980. After a short but brutal argument between members Frey and Felder at a California fundraiser, the ultimate decision was to say goodbye for the time being. This argument (along with the overall conflicts in the band) proved to be a huge factor, making it about 14 years until the band finally decided to reunite in 1994. Since then, the band has gone on multiple hiatuses, went on their final tour in 2023, and during this were left to cope with the death of one of their founding members, Randy Meisner, in 2023. 

Pink Floyd

This iconic English psychedelic rock band began in 1965. With founding members Syd Barrett (lead vocals), Nick Mason (drums), Roger Waters (bass), and Richard Wright (keyboard), the group had immediate success with their debut album The Piper at the Gates of Dawn and continued this route of fame with their most recognized and highly praised album Dark Side of the Moon. While the success was flowing in during the 70s, it did not entirely stop the underlying creative arguments, power struggles, and feelings of marginalization for some members. Nonetheless the band trekked on until 1983, when the band recorded “The Final Cut” and Waters officially left in 1985, feeling that there was really nothing left for the band. Unfortunately, the other band members at the time did not feel the same way about this, and collectively decided to continue Pink Floyd without Waters, which did not take long for Waters to sue the remaining members for continuing the performance under the name of Pink Floyd without him. Even though there was a good amount of success with the band in the late 80s without Waters, there was an overall feeling that their glory days were behind them, and dealing with the lawsuit proved to be even harder for the members.

Blink-182 (2015)

Being the influential pop-punk rock band they are comes with a cost. With original members Tom Delonge (guitarist and vocalist), Mark Hoppus (bassist and vocalist), and drummer Travis Barker, the band is most famous for their albums Enema of the State and Take Off Your Pants and Jacket. With exponential success, led to overwhelming conflict between the members in 2005. As Delonge felt he needed more time with his family and wanted to branch out creatively, he decided he needed a break, but according to Hoppus and Barker, this break seemed a little too long for their liking and the band decided to go on an indefinite hiatus. After 4 years of no Blink-182, fans were excited to hear the band was coming back in 2009. Unfortunately, it was only a 5 year streak until Hoppus and Barker realized Delonge was still not fully ready for this commitment, with Delonge’s frequent absences at practice, late deadlines, and lack of creative contribution, it was decided that Delonge would be replaced by Matt Skiba. This left giant tension between both Delonge and Hoppus, as well as Delonge and Barker. Although Blink remained remotely successful with the absence of Tom, the longing for his presence by many fans was a common feeling. It took until Hoppus got diagnosed with lymphoma in 2021 that sent a shockwave between all three original members, revealing that creative differences and schedule struggles should not be a make or break for bandmates who felt like brothers. In late 2022 it was announced that the original Blink-182 was making a comeback, and with their newest album released in 2023, One More Time, it nailed the idea of the importance of sticking together through the good and bad. 

The Smiths

Forming in late 1982, The Smiths were born, with the founders Morrissey (vocals) ad Johnny Marr (guitar), the two worked together as the lyrical geniuses for the band with the help of Andy Rourke on bass and Mike Joyce on the drums. Overall, The Smiths recorded 4 very successful studio albums that remain a treasure to musical progression to this day. By bringing an independent sound to a style of alternative rock, The Smiths proved to be an important stepping stone to indie rock music today. Unfortunately, the band did not carry on with its legacy. Through their years of music making, there were often on and off conflicts between Morrissey and Marr, but they appeared to be more destructive in 1987, when Marr felt fed up and wanted a break. This led to jealousy to get the best of Morrissey and caused him to resent Marr for working with other artists on separate projects. It did not take long for Marr’s longing for a break and Morrissey’s selfishness to get the best of the two and their relationship hit a wall, causing the foundation to crumble. In July of 1987, The Smiths officially broke up and shortly after both Marr and Morrissey continued on with their own solo careers. To this day, both Marr and Morrissey are touring solo and pursuing their individual careers with no reunion in sight. With there being an overwhelming amount of tension between the two, it seemed highly unlikely that the band would ever get back together, and when Andy Rourke died in summer of 2023, this made rumors of reunion even more scarce.

The Clash

Known as “The Only Band That Matters”, The Clash were an English rock band that formed in 1976. Most notable for their new-wave yet post-punk infused rock, the band consisted of Joe Strummer (lead vocalist), Mick Jones (lead guitarist), Paul Simonon (bassist), and Nicky Headon (drummer). It did not take long for The Clash to receive incredible amounts of praise and fame for their debut self-titled album. Not long after the band released their most popular album to this day, London Calling, in 1979, and the fame continued to roll-in with the albums following, and their hit songs “Train in Vain”, “Rock the Casbah”, and “Should I Stay or Should I Go”. Soon after the success, in 1983, it seemed the lead bandmates Strummer and Jones had two very different visions for the future of The Clash. With the memorable disaster of a set in the U.S. at the 1983 festival in San Bernardino, the members of the band ended up getting in a fight backstage and this proved to be Jones’ last performance with the band. The rest of the members ended up dragging themselves along until 1985, when Strummer felt it was time to call it quits, especially with the lack of progress due to Jones’ decision to leave. Unfortunately, there will be no chance of a Clash reunion due to the tragic death of Strummer in 2002, who will forever remain a rock icon and his reputable contribution to The Clash.

I am currently attending the University of North Texas with a photojournalism major. I love going to concerts of all genres, whether I am stage diving or headbanging, I never miss an opportunity to appreciate live music. In my free time, I enjoy thrifting for CD's and records, spending time with my cats, going to art exhibits, and traveling (especially to NYC). My biggest inspiration is Danny Clinch, and one day I aspire to open up my own gallery to showcase my work!