Chicago Band Post Animal Stopped by Austin to Play a Momentous Show

Post Animal performs in Austin, TX.

Post Animal played a rambunctious set at Empire Control Room on May 20th to a room of dancing, energetic fans.

Post Animal brought in an excited crowd to their Austin show on May 20th as they passed through Texas during their Summer/Spring Tour. The audience was incredibly enthusiastic to see this eclectic prog-rock band take the stage, and their entrance did not disappoint. Post Animal performs with a lively energy that makes their audience move; with most of the crowd being mixed around in dance as the first song began. The interactions between the audience and the performance was symbiotic, as both parties shared excitement to be with one another. Post Animal responded to the overwhelmingly positive energy in the room by bringing the heat in their set, which was responded to with dancing, clapping, and cheering through each song the band performed. The night’s sounds varied from psych-rock to indie alternative within Post Animal’s creative discography, and onlookers sang along to every song with passion. 

Check out photos from the show:

I am a UX Designer and creator of many things. I grew up going to shows in Austin, then moved to Denton to study at UNT. I play in a band and some projects in my college town (mostly bass), I try to write my own music, make art, and create anything that sparks interest. I love disco music, 70's style and dancing!